Current Events

J. Daniel Gunther
Christeos Luciftias – Messianism in the New Aeon.
This is a topic J. Daniel Gunther rarely lectures on but one he considers
“a Holy subject, one that should be approached with due caution and reverence”.
This online event will take place at 11 am Eastern Australian time Saturday 11th December.
Please email to secure your place.
The event’s time according to local timezones
Sat 11th December, 2021 08:00 (GMT +08:00 / AWST) (Perth)
Sat 11th December, 2021 11:00 (GMT +11:00 / AEDT) (Sydney) DLS
Sat 11th December, 2021 10:00 (GMT +10:00 / AEST) (Brisbane)
Sat 11th December, 2021 10:30 (GMT +10:30 / ACDT) (Adelaide) DLS
Sat 11th December, 2021 09:00 (GMT +09:00 / JST) (Tokyo)
Sat 11th December, 2021 08:00 (GMT +08:00 / PST) (Manila)
Sat 11th December, 2021 01:00 (GMT +01:00 / CET) (Warsaw)
Sat 11th December, 2021 00:00 (GMT +00:00 / GMT) (London)
Fri 10th December, 2021 19:00 (GMT -05:00 / EST) (New York)
Fri 10th December, 2021 16:00 (GMT -08:00 / PST) (Vancouver)
J. Daniel Gunther is a life-long student of Egyptology, mythology, psychology, religion, and esotericism. For over forty years he has been a member of A∴A∴, the teaching and testing Order established by Aleister Crowley. He is considered one of the foremost authorities on the doctrines of Thelema and the syncretic method of Magick and Mysticism taught by A∴A∴
Past Events
Gordan Djurdjevic
Yoga and Thelema
Given the success of the two virtual lectures associated with Ora et Labora’s book launch, The Grand Lodge of Australia are proud to present a lecture from Gordan Djurdjevic on Yoga and Thelema.
This very special event will be held virtually on Friday the 11th June 2021 e.v. at 5:00pm (Vancouver time); Saturday 12th June 2021 e.v. 10:00am (Sydney time).
The event is open to members of OTO Australia, and non-members.
Gordan Djurdjevic is a contributor to the anthology Aleister Crowley and Western Esotericism(Oxford University Press, 2012); co-editor, with Henrik Bogdan, of the collection of essays Occultism in a Global Perspective (Acumen, 2013; Routledge, 2015); and the author of Masters of Magical Powers: The Nath Yogis in the Light of Esoteric Notions (VDM, 2008); India and the Occult: The Influence of South Asian Spirituality on Modern Western Occultism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014); and, with Shukdev Singh, Sayings of Gorakhnāth: Annotated Translation of the Gorakh Bānī (Oxford University Press, 2019)